Time passes so fast. Today is the 1st anniversary of my TT site. Since the very first day of the TT site until now, I've built 174 pages, more than 100 TT studios listed on my site. At one thought, I feel so happy to run it for a year now and glad that it earned me $331.08 (average $1.61 a day) up to now, but at another thought, I feel a bit shit that one year passed, I only have only one site that totally built from scratch by myself.
I hope I can build other sites more and more soon, I'm thinking about taking it as major career seriously now. I just feel so bore and bore about my FT lately.
Yesterday Adsense = $3.99
Today Adsense (now) = $0.56
Total (September) = $95.76
Averages (September) = $5.99