วันอังคารที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

28 September 2010

Although I didn't have to go out anywhere, I was still very busy today. Nothing much but prepare all requested details and documents for customers tomorrow.

I was amazed to see Adsense is earning $1.24 from tomdyles site today. I guess you must have done something to it; did you send out the newsletter again?

Yesterday Adsense = $4.05
Today Adsense (now) = $6.14
Total = $89.48 (approx. 2,685 baht)

Just 2 days left, $100 seems impossible. Actually, I want it to reach the goal so I can feel the great happiness when I receive the 1st cheque from Google sooner, but as you told me it will be carried over for next month anyway, maybe I have to wait longer.

Tomorrow is another busy day, it's time for bed now.

PS. I hear news about my ex (the one I used to love the most), she will engage soon. I feel hurt, not hurt but don't know how to say, but I can take it. What I can do is sigh and keep my chin up. Life must go on, doesn't it?
