วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

17 October 2010

I have to confess that I did nothing much to the site today. I just felt tired and sicked of the internet connection here. I spent 6 hours just to publish my few updates to the site; only 100+ scores, it kept on failing for almost hundred times. Of cause, I went nuts and wanted to hit my head to the wall but I knew it wasn't worth to bleed myself for this shit. So, it's better to update the blog and go to bed, sigh!

Yesterday Adsense = $73.44 (top of the month - for now)
Today Adsense (now) = $2.50
Total (October) = $58.57
Averages (October) = $3.45

Tomorrow I need to go out and have a meeting with my customer at 4 pm. I think I will go home late again for sure.
