Today we played Songkran at our office and I was soaking wet, it was fun though. The finish working time was earlier than usual so I did 2 silly activities that girls always love doing.
1. Shopping
I just wanted to drink an ice tea at the department store that my friend wanted to go so I went with her. She wanted to buy some new clothes and I didn't but it was me who bought all the clothes. I spent almost 1,500 baht on clothes today, OMFG!!!!!!! That's not enough, all my toiletry was run out of stock so I had to bought it. It was 500 baht something.
How much I spent on shopping now? it's 2000!!!!!!!
2. Hair Straightening
Yes, hair straightening! Actually, I have planned to do it since I was told by my boss to do something with my hair. I've planned to do it during Songkran as it's a long holidays which I can keep my hair away from public at home. So after shopping, I went to a salon nearby. It took me 2 hours waiting and 2 hours doing. The straightening process of this salon is shorter than I used to do with others and it costs me 1,600 baht. WHAT??? 1,600 BAHT!!!!!! Jesus Christ!!! I've never done any hair dressing with that massive cost before and I'm feeling like shit that my hair doesn't as straight as it should be. Damn it!!!
I don't know why I acted so girly today and I feel that it's so fucking silly to spend such amount of money on things that is unnecessary. I decided not to act such a silly girly way again - TOO EXPENSIVE!!!
From now on until the end of the day, I need to live in a SKINT way, POOR me!!! (T__T)
Yesterday Adsense = $7.01
Today Adsense (now) = $4.01
Total (April) = $90.84
Averages (April) = $7.57