I've been having a massive headache for the last 3 days so I took day off today. I went to see the doctor and was diagnosed having Migraine. I know exactly what the causes are :(
I went to survey the house yesterday, I have one in mind already; have to collect more money and go there again for deposit, down payment and loan application at the end of the year when I'm more ready. I think I need at least 200K for this.
I was asked by some tattoo studio in PTY to remove the page and logo of his studio off, he said I'm infringing his copy right. If he doesn't want his studio to be promoted for free then fine, I'll remove as it doesn't earn me a cent anyway.
WS site is the real earning machine, TT is now earning more after the new section was added, and BP is earning properly. GREAT!!!!
Finally I can find the books about Wordpress, Adsense and Affiliate to study more. The problem is that when the hell I can have time to read them :(
Yesterday Adsense = $6.40
Today Adsense (now) = $4.93
Total (May) = $185.11
Averages (May) = $6.17