Another boring day in the office, I really had nothing to do, just sat there and pretended to be busy when someone walked by my table. I couldn't do anything at all - so bored!!!
After work, I spent the night searching for top-google-ranked PTY related sites and exchange links / banner links with them. Mostly I added them on my sites first and then send e-mails asking them to link back. I could do just a few as I don't know (yet) how to work on this faster. Hope next day will improve and more smooth.
It's funny that nowadays I feel glad to see Adsense earns $3.00 - $4.00 a day despite it earned more in the past and I felt unexcited. Well, I know the reason why it doesn't earn more - maybe the promoting way of TT / BP / WS might comes to almost the end - have to find new way or better build new sites.
I am currently so distracted by a house I am trying to own, really put high hope on the bank. Actually, I don't wanna hope because I know how much it hurts when that hope fails but I can't help it, I am just normal human. :(
Yesterday Adsense = $5.20
Today Adsense (now) = $1.42
Total (February) = $35.39
Averages (February) = $4.42