Today I went to work in the afternoon. When I arrived the office, I saw a bag of sliced apple on my table with a note from someone saying that "Thought I haven't tasted it like P'Chone, it's not poisoned. Enjoy eating!". I was surprised to see it and even more puzzled to know that it was from a girl who had bought me the DVD earlier. I called her to thank and tried to ask why she bought me the apple. She didn't reply but changed the subject, so I hung up the phone. I tried not to flatter myself that she might crush on me but there was no reason she had to buy me that apple. I thought she might be too friendly or want to copy the story in the DVD she bought me because there was a scene about a boy (P'Chone) brought an apple, bit it and left a note saying that "I tasted and it's not poisoned" for a girl (Nam).
No matter what, it was a good thing and it could make me smile :)
PS. I went to the karaoke tonight for farewell party of my colleague. The pics were posted on my FB as usual.
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