Today is the Father's Day. Everybody called their dad and said "I love you, dad". I didn't. I just called him to let him feel better that I'm the only kid of out 4 of his who calls him on the Father's Day. I know none of my siblings would call him so I did. I didn't tell him that I love him because I can't say things that I don't exactly feel. If he was the one who brought me up for the last 23 years, I might say "I love you, dad" willingly.
I have no idea for banners again, damn! Anyway, I'm still working on them as well as the site. More pages are added.
Adsense for the last dew days is quite quiet. I guess you might have removed the boost up site out.
Yesterday Adsense = $1.82
Today Adsense (now) = $0.28
Total (December) = $17.21
Averages (December) = 3.44